I saw letters in my post box..i picked it up and saw;
- Telephone bill from TmNet. (wey, i picked the internet combo basis and not supposed to have a phone bill.what and why you are charging me for?internet services again?)
- A sealed letter from SPA (dup..dap..dup..dap..what's inside?i'm curious;p)
At last, a letter instructed me to go for exam..But wait, for the post of Pegawai Tadbir Diplomatik M41?Huh?Errr?
I'm not a type of people who always barged at the door without asking (tok perumpamaan x prepare terus g exam ler).So, as per date today, it has been two days and two nights im poking my nose to find out what it takes to be a PTD...(refers to my previous blog)
My findings?Wahhhhhhh!!!!!!!
i've been to the forums, blogs wrote by PTDs....and my conclusion, not only it is very hard to pass the table exam, PAC,DPA...but the candidates also have to serve and put the country first before themselves...(huhahuha...erk?!)
Okay, here's a tip or twos for those really want to become PTD and pass the exam;
- Read newspaper from page 1 to the end.
- Read Malaysia Kita book.
- Read all the Dasar-Dasar Kerajaan, the latest achievement received by Malaysia, who won recently,who got nominated and awarded something...e.g Hadiah Nobel ka..
- Flip back your math book.
- Read dictionary or journal about current issues in Malaysia-for essay preparation.
- Last but not least, find out more about this exam from internet.Don't depend on this as im also like you guy, sitting for the first time!
Well, good luck guys and happy reading!:)
p/s : Isham, ko nang terer la sebab 1st time exam, interbiu terus dapat..tapi ko nang terer lamak la..sik mampu ku mauk jadi macam kau..bila gik mauk cia aku tok?bday dh dekat dh..
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