Aku heran, sejak dua menjak nie aku bagaikan kaunter pertanyaan untuk masalah kewangan..tak kurang jugak ada yang straight to the point tell me that they need money and intended to borrow it from me..well, do i look like a banker?or a rich person?I'm also struggling to meet the ends met, by the way..and I'm only an inch better than yours..no more, no less.
Money comes, money goes..money earns, money spend...
Ditambah kan lagi dengan insiden kemalangan (aku yang langgar orang, pastu orang yang aku langgar berlalu begitu sahaja, tapi keta ku kemek sikit kat depan dan pecah no plate), lagi la nak guna duit...persiapan nak raya lagi..haih~
i've read Confession of the Shopaholic...the father mentioned if the daughter don't have money, either she had to Cut Down or Make More Money..what do you think?
So, persoalan nya, bukan orang yang meminjam, tetapi lebih kepada isu global...adakah desakan hidup semakin tinggi?barang-barang keperluan semakin mahal?Inflasi?atau kita sebenarnya dibebani oleh ridiculous tax and service that we need to pay?(fyi, the goverment of Malaysia recently increasing their tax from 5% to 6%, and private broadcasting service provider also increased their service bill eventhough being asked by the Who Minister to keep the rate down..well i guess the Who Minister is aint minister, as the word just go by without any action being taken)
who's to be blame when inflation?the rich became richer, the poor are made to the poorest state~
Dan adakah nilai Ringgit semakin hilang nilai nya?seakan turun ke nilai Rupiah?
Well Najib, you better move your as* and analyze this situation then take action before being thrown down in the next General Election!!
lela..mintak duit raya...=]