Monday, July 25, 2011

i'm in (fill in the blank, please~)

i don't know what had happened to me recently...job has been a routine activity in my life, yet with so unanswerable questions and solutions that need to provide and maintain~ (no wonder some of my friends was so complaining about this~and I've been good to give them a pat in the shoulder and said everything was going to be fine,fine and fine~)

my boss once said to me, don't give too much expectation....and don't give high hope to those unforeseen event, as it might turn sour and your hope crumbling down to you~must always provide option A, B and so on..(tsk..tsk..tsk..true indeed).but option?giving me full of headache and sometimes turn to nightmare that chase my sweet dream away~ must go on..and to make sure your life still in the circle, money must be earn...which by default need a job to generate the money, more subtle known as income..

so friends, just put your head up in the air, even though your heart was heavy as stone (lead actually), and your tears was running down your cheeks, but, put a smile and be proud of whatever you need attitude and determination by the way....