Friday, August 5, 2011

1st time on helicopter ride

Bila bos bagitau, yang kali ini trip ke Mukah akan menaiki helikopter, hati ku dah berbunga-bunga riang...seakan sakai pun a kid, yeah, i know but i cannot help to behave like a kid!and im really looking forward for the helicopter rides!yeahuuu!!

so, seawal pukul 6.30am (heli dijangka bertolak pada pukul 7.30am), aku dah terpacak kat luar gate Skyways hornbill, sampaikan pakcik guard ingat aku budak praktikal yang nak keje kat hornbill (apekah?do i look that young?..ngeheheheh)

ku ingat makey heli kecik gilak tok?

tunggu punya tunggu, around past 7am, we were told there was some changes of flight. Instead of flying on 7.30am, we were scheduled to fly on 9.30am due to pilot's problem..adeh..adeh..and i was at the office since 6.30!!OMG..

then,somebody showed was the Minister of Land Development with his private

9.00am, we were told that our heli is ready to take mukah!!!!at last....

let's enjoy what's being captured during the flight!!!enjoy~

 En. Abu naik heli eh~

 ready to take off...the ground.. the air!!!!woowweee...rasa macam naik cable car...a bit shaky at first~

 Kuching (stutong part) from the heli's view...

 Leaving kuching..somewhere between samarahan/kuching

 old fashion window, though~

 there's no more forest in Sarawak...only left the loggers trail along the way..


 Filling oil tanker in Sibu before continue journey to Mukah..only take an hour from Kuching to Sibu..

changed of passengers in Mukah...lom da papa dah bergaya lebey sidak tok eh..ahahahahah...

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