Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bercuti Sakan di Kem PLKN

Time aku kat Kem PLKN Junaco Park tu, aku rasa cukup beruntung sebab Kem tu macam dalam zoo...dahla aku ajar cuma program integrasi jer...sayangnya aku mengajar time puasa, jadi tak leh nak makan-makan, nak piknik-piknik kat sekeliling taman tue...

Dalam Kem tu aku rasa macam gi zoo plak...ada rusa..ada ikan naga...Ala, ikan naga nie kalo kita gi Giant kat semenanjung, mesti ada kat akuarium besar dia.(aku suka tengok kat Giant Senawang tu).Apa tah nama ikan tu...kalo tak silap, nama saintifik ikan tu adalah Arapaima.

Nampak tak ikan tu, besar kan?Dahla jinak...

Rusa pun ader gak...bukan yang berbaju kuning tu tau...

Semangat 1Malaysia dari Kem PLKN Junaco Park Siri 6 Kumpulan 3 2009

Senyuman mesra dari kami penceramah jemputan PLKN...iklan gigi sikit...

Aku jadi penceramah kat Kem tu cuma 5 hari ...ajar 3 modul jer, Kebudayaan, Keagamaan dan Peranan lelaki & perempuan...

Lepas abis ajar modul tu, sempat gak aku interbiu diorang...ada yang tak penah sekolah, ada yang dah awal2 lagi bergelar suami dan isteri orang..(dasyat gak okla daripada mengandung luar nikah!)Then aku tanya la, lepas PLKN ni apa diorang nak buat.Antara jawapan yang aku dapat;

  • Life macam biasa, duduk kat umah..(erk, takkan takder muhasabah diri?)
  • Keje cam biasa, entah2 dah kene buang keje sebab dah 3 bulan tak keje..(isk2 kesian plak aku dengar)

Aku tanya lagi,

"Awak kan dah blajar banyak time masuk PLKN nie, takder perubahan diri ker?Sambung study ker, cari kerja yang bagus lagi ker?Yang takder keje tu cari keje ker or buat bisnes sendiri ker?"

Lagi, antara jawapan yang aku terima;

  • Malas
  • dah ada keje yang sesuai dengan jiwa raga, malas nak carik tokey lain.

Tapi ada satu jawapan yang cukup membuat aku terkedu mendengarnya..

"Ala cikgu, buat apa nak susah2. Lepas nie carik jer orang kaya, then kawin dengan dia. So secara automatik nya kita pun jadi kaya!Tak payah susah2 nak carik kejer sebab nak carik duit"

Aisey, macam tu plak jawapan dia..Sungguh canggih sekali..

So, dalam hal nie, aku rasa objektif Program PLKN nie susah la nak tercapai. Macam mana nak tercapai kalau manusia yang keluar dari Kem tu (kira graduate ler)sama dengan manusia yang mula-mula masuk dalam Kem tue?

Tapi yang nie aku cakap pasal siri tercicir nie aje la...Walau bagaimana pun, ada jugak sesetengah pelatih yang aku tanya memang berubah menjadi yang lebih baik...Cuma kerana atas desakan family atau pengaruh kengkawan yang menyebabkan mereka tersasar semasa di peringkat sekolah menengah.

Apa-apa pun, aku doakan mereka akan jadi manusia yang lebih baik untuk generasi rakyat Malaysia yang akan datang...Walaupun hanya 5 ari jer dengan diorang tapi rasa macam lama sangat kenal dengan diorang..

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I always sceptical about PLKN program. For me, it was a waste of Goverment Money, a money collected from tax payer and im one of the tax payer,so that money is my money!!!One series of PLKN intake could use more almost 1 billion ringgit?That is why i always scoofed the idea of our PM about PLKN program.

Then, a month ago, i have been invited to be a fasilitator for PLKN program in Sarawak to a give talk about integration in Malaysia ( I believe this is something to do with our PM concept, 1Malaysia.I dont know,cuz this is my 1st timer). At first, i was designated to Kem Juara Serian, but last minute changed to Kem Junaco Sibu. Better still, as i am from Sibu and the talk slot allocated for me is scheduled on 24-28 August, i could be in Sibu during school holiday!

I was informed that the batch of PLKN trainees that i have to face is the worst batch of all, which is ranged from low academician and school dropout. Some of them are married though!

I came to the National Service camp around 4pm and the camp site was indeed big!( I found out that Kem Junaco is the biggest National Camp which covers 123 acr of land). Ahead of me was a black Myvi, supposedly carried some of the fasilitators, i presume..

Later i learnt that it was 8 of us, 4 men and 4 women.

Barisan penceramah jemputan PLKN far so good...and the trainees was not bad at all...(So far, *sigh*)

Happy faces of the NS Trainees

And i like this chinese girl from my class, eventhough her BM was at the acceptable level, she was really into this program and put all effort to be part of the talk show.

Well, will be continue...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Long Way From Home

Elo everybody!!!!!!
Musim cuti sekolah melanda semula......!!!Kali ini lebih bermakna sebab...;
  • bulan ramadhan, dapat minta maaf sesama keluarga time pulang cuti.
  • aku keje part time jaga bebudak plkn, sebab tu balik kampung..

At least ada gak keje dan manfaat yang aku dapat sempena cuti balik kampung nie...

Aku bertolak pukul 3.30ptg dari Kuching menuju ke Sibu, selalu nya perjalanan sejauh 465km nie aku amik masa dalam 5 jam driving on the road...Nonstop, kalo stop makin lambat la..lagipun nak bukak posa dgn mak...lama dah tak tengok mak...Rindu gak dengan dia...Aku gi sorang jer kali nie, hubby kene jaga sekolah, bebudak nak UPSR tak lama lagi.

Sepanjang perjalanan tu, mula-mula aku bukak la radio untuk peneman setia. Tapi bila sampai serian, siaran favourite aku, hitzdotfm dah tak kedengaran plak...yang tinggal bunyi lebah..sayu-sayu jer bunyi org nyanyi, jadi aku off jer radio...aku plak yang menyanyi plak menghiburkan diri sendiri..Kalo aku senyap, memang sunyi la...Only left the sound of my heart banging on my head..hahaha

Pemandangan sebelum simpang Sri Aman. Gambar yang dibawah adalah pemandangan dari atas Bukit Bangunan

Kelajuan perjalanan aku pun tak la laju sangat, dalam lebih kurang 1.8km perminute jer...Hah, kira lah sendiri..Sampai sempat aku amik gambar pemandangan sekeliling...ada satu kali tu, sempat gak berlumba dengan satu kereta proton saga putih no plate QKS 4xxx.Mula-mula dia potong aku, lepas tu masa sampai kat Bukit Bangunan, aku potong dia balik, pastu dia nak potong aku tak dapat-dapat sampailah kat simpang Sri Aman. Aku belok ke Sibu, dia lurus ke Sri Aman...

Open burning!!!!!!Sebab orang nak tanam padi baru

Sepanjang dari Simpang Sri Aman tu menuju ke Sarikei, banyak dah rumah panjang moden yang aku tengok tepi jalan. Tapi tak sempat nak amik gambar...kang aku plak yang terbabas masuk dalam longkang..Aku pun malas nak berhenti...Lain kali jer la aku amik gambar tu.


Aku sampai ke Sibu pukul 7.45pm...tak sempat nak berbuka puasa dengan mak..Tapi aku ajak mak aku makan kat Taman Harmoni, sebab aku suka sangat makan mee Brunei kat gerai Selera Malam. Sedap!!Mee Brunei nie sebenarnya sup dia yang best, sebab guna sup daging.

Inilah rupanya Mee Brunei!

Ok, need to go, see ya next time with different stories!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Girls Rule the world!!!

Symbolised by a sign Venus for girls and Mars for boys, I'm always proud to be a girl..Do you know that girls got rules?Girl rules, in the other hand also mean by girl power, at which by definition ,

"a girl power means a self-reliant attitude among girls and young women manifested in ambition, assertiveness, and individualism..."

i know some of the boys are very envious of the title but hey, look here...It is indeed proven that girls a better than boys.I'm a teacher, and as a teacher i observed a fact that my girls are more focus-minded and well managed in class while i'm teaching them....Plus, by statistical method analysis done by me based on their recent test, most girls can do better than boys eventhough the top scorer are boys....Sadly..huhu...(girls, better do it well next time!)

Tangan Yang Menghayun Buaian Bisa Menggoncang Dunia

However, this is only a minor examples on how girls nowaday rule the world of knowledges. Remember Amalina?The person who score 17A's in SPM 2005? Hailed from Kelantan, this girl proved Malaysia that she can scored most A's eventhough some of the subjects were not offered by her school.Well, not bad for a girl who did not rely on extra hours of private tuition as so many Malaysian children do.

Ok, that 1 score for girls in academic field. Next, we move to sport. Nicol David, hailed from Penang, is the first squash player to have won the World Junior title twice (1999 and 2001) under the tutelage of Richard Glanfield . She remained the only female squash player to have achieved this, until Raneem El Weleily emulated David's feat by winning her second World Junior Championship in 2007.Who say girls can't beat the boys in game?In fact, we are better than boys!!(Hehe, sowi boys~)

I believe most of you loves movie, isn't it?Familiar the name of Dato' Michelle Yeoh?Born in Ipoh and even was chosen by People magazine as one of the 50 Most Beautiful People in the World in 1997. I remember that the first time i saw her acting was in the Chinese Movie more than 10 years ago but I can't remember the title of the film. She is best known in the Western world for her roles in the 1997 in a very well known film James Bond-Tomorrow Never Dies, playing Wai Lin, and the multiple Academy-winning Chinese action film Crounching Tiger, Hidden Dragon , for which she was nominated the BAFTA for "Best Actress".

By the above facts, no wonders why some of the Mars wants to become one of the Venus...hehehe...But sometimes i do wonder why some Venus didnt see the beauty of being a Venus and highly salute the Mars to the extend they wants and some even changed to Mars!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sajer jer

Apa yang buat aku meluat dan benci di pagi hari minggu?
  • Aku terbangun pukul 7am sebab jiran aku bising-bising marah anak dia.
  • Aku terbangun lagi sebab tukang potong rumput membabi buta tekan hon depan umah sebab nak potong rumput, walhal aku tak panggil dia dan rumput aku tak panjang.
  • Kene basuh 'ekstra kain' sebab-sebab yang aku tak leh nak sebutkan kat sini.Menyakitkan hati jer.
  • Kene tinggal sowang diri lagi sebab hubby kene balik sekolah..huhuuhhuu

Apa yang aku paling suka pada hari minggu?

  • Tak keja!!!
  • Boley terlebih tidooooo...(tapi susah nak dapat atas sebab- sebab yang disebutkan diatas)
  • Hubby gi sediakan sarapan sebab dia nak berkemas-kemas awal nak balik sekolah..
  • Ada cerita korea best kat channel 303, pastu sambung lagi dengan crita CSI, pastu sambung lagi dengan crita kul 3 TV2, pastu sambung lagi...blablabla...pendek crita ari nie aktiviti depan tv jer.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Exam Week

Actually i'm glad that this week is the exam week for the school. i have been jungling my career by switching tasks with another person so this week is so hectic for me. All the reports must be done and sent to the HQ before 15 which is on tomorrow. And it was only yesterday that i just learnt about my task.

Students were studying for Math

math exam

i havent recovered from yesterday's tireness and i wake up with a lazy feeling lingering all over me...But today is the Final Day for the exam week and i my paper is scheduled on today...(i'm a bit worried about this)

Most of the Questions arises have been discussed with my fellow students. However, to my surprise, they still cant do it...huh!

Satisfaction smiles after the exam

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sleepy head..huargh...

I'm damn tired and sleepy this week.Plus my school is having an exam week, which requires me only to sit in the classroom and watch over the students so they wont be cheating or copying each other during the examination. ....i can tell you, the whole process is so bored and tired.

Being 3 in 1, my energy is being used to the maximum level....and it drains out the chi from my body, which leaves me totally lifeless by 10pm...ZzZzZz

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Corporate woman VS Keparat Woman

What do you think of my title?

Sound familiar? Never thought about it? and how come?

I have known this lady for more than 3 years...When i first knew her, she was a cute, sweet girl with a shoulder length hair and a warm smile on her face. Always on casual shirt and trousers, she was an active person and we always in work together and it was very fun, considering that both of us was new to that company.

Then, after 2 years, i met this lady again. she was no longer the cute, sweet girl that i met 2 years ago. she totally transformed to a sexy, hot looking lady with a long, curly bleach-blonded hair. Not only she had changed her outer appearance, so does the inner personality.

Being a sexy, hot looking but brainless person is the perfect definition for that woman.My friends even labelled her as Paris Hilton, only she was far poorer and stupider compared to Paris.

Hailed from a remote area not far from here, i believe that she was quite determined to upgrade herself and to improve the living style of her family. When all the senior officer left the company, she was promoted (but i rather prefer the word offered)to be the acting manager for our division, and she took it without hesitation eventhough by qualification and experiences, she was far from the job qualification.But for me, it can be minimised if she was willing to upgrade herself along with the promotion!And the General Manager always sided her eventhough her answer was not only not answering the question asked, but also illogical to be done!

Similar looking picture of the GM..hehheheh

Both of us have the same knowledge background in education and even graduated form the same university. In fact, she was 5 years senior than me. Supposedly, by both life and working experiences, she should be doing much better than me, isnt it? But it seems that we worked in the other way around.

She started to boss around (she believes being a boss, she can order the team to work as the way she wants it to be. I believe that she should managed the team and give instructions based on the needs of the company). i ever covered her as she need to go to somewhere and instructed me to tell the other boss that she have family matter that required her to go back to her hometown. The truth was, she wanted to go to Miri with 'someone'!.

Our spark of argument begun when she started to ask me to do her work by the name of the General Manager. She will simply ordered me to go to meeting room and i will found myself in the middle of a meeting conference and i have to answer to the questions arised!

The relationship became critical when i have to handle a difficult situation back home. I was not being granted a leave and even not being granted a compassionate leaves for both my wedding day and the demised of my Allahyarham father...i was damned frustated, and full with anger on her attitude....of being not considerable on the situation that happen on me.

and now, i always picturise her as a demonic whore looking lady who willing to do anything to secure her position. but deep in my heart, i wish the nice, cute looking lady that i known for the past 3 years will returned back and i wished her the very best of all luck!!!

Illustration only...not the real picture of her..but nice looking girl thou....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Workaholic?Desperate? For Fun?

i think it was 2 or 3 years ago that i came across an article in a magazine about a lady worked as an accountant during daytime and became a dancer on night time. At first, my mind went like,"Wow, she must be desperate for money". Then the sceptical thought became admiration,"She was so good, having two job at one time" the thought keep on and on until i almost salute her as a superwoman!

Never that i imagine that it will be happen on me too.When i resigned from my recent job somewhere in Feb or March due to job satisfaction,i was desperate for a job. Being a wife of somebody in the age of 27 and having a car and a house to pay, yes, I'm desperate to look for a job.

I been interviewed for a one or two jobs; one with a firm in Kl and one with the local company here .i was quite confident that i will get the job with the local company even though the pay is not as high as my recent job.but it turned out that I'm only shortlisted for the job and i didn't get it. however, the interviewer recommended me to his friend's company instead which i got to know several months later.

As the process of getting job seems to be lenghty, i went for an open interview for another job and successfully got myself into one of the positions. And....this is the time when headache started to kick in ..

We have not being paid for more than 2 months after the first day on working. i was quite pissed off with the relevent person who was supposed to manage our salary and wellfare, and i didnt make a flinch when somebody call and offered me another job.i need the money to hush away the worrying feeling of not paying my car, my utility bills and my house.i need a money to stay focus on what i am doing now.

i was ready to leave my current job and face the consequences of not getting paid cuz i dont want to guess when and again when the exact time the administration wants to pay our salary for the past two months.and even i already signed the offer letter from the company saying that i will be working in due time. however, i have another second thought...

"it was funny why i never think about that before..
it was a shame why the second thought is being camouflaged by my past anger toward irresponsible person..
it was never cross my mind what my fast-without-thinking decision will affect the persons surroundings..."

(and blame it again to the irresponsible person who suppose to work and manage my welfare and pay me in due time!!!)

And now, im caught in the middle of the situation which i have to split myself into two. i have to work in the current situation now and i have to work in the company to mark my word.and i already received the advance payment to work for that company. and being an honest and responsible person, i dont want to break my promises or to breach any contract of my working attitude!


i have to be that superwoman...having another job in the morning time, and working as another in the afternoon by time based working was indeed an eccentric!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pengalaman Ujian PTD pertama aku

Cam besa, aku bangun pagi lebih kurang kul 7am..Bukan apa, dah terbiasa bangun pagi2, kul 7am tu dah kira lambat jugakla bagi aku..maklum la, hari Sabtu, bukan waktu hari ini aku kena duduk PTD exam..Itu yang membezakan hari Sabtu nie dgn hari Sabtu yang lepas-lepas.

Sebab pusat peperiksaan tu taklah jauh dr rumah aku, kira2 dalam 5 minit kut kalo naik keta..jalan kaki ada gak dlm 10 aku g tepat kul 8.30 am..yela, exam kul 9am.walaupun dalam surat kata kene ada 30 min sebelum waktu mula peperiksaan, tp berdasarkan pengalaman aku amik Mtest (pun 1st time gak thn nie..keputusan nya adalah rayuan!), masuk dewan or kelas peperiksaan pun 15min sebelum ujian!

Pusat peperiksaan aku tu bersebelahan dgn sekolah rendah..nama pun hampir serupa...aku plak, tersalah nak g yg sekolah rendah.patutla tgk takder org pun yang g situ..bebudak sekolah rendah jer yang banyak.nasib aku guna logik...bertanya dgn salah seorg yg baru berhenti kat tempat parking...

Antara yang menyebabkan aku tersalah tempat (alasan jer la nie), adalah cara pemakaian calon2 exam ptd tersebut. ada yang pakai pakaian macam nak g shopping(ompuan ler), ada yang pakai jeans dgn baju tak berkolar dan paling mengharukan, berselipar di kaki! kalo tak salah aku, dalam surat panggilan exam kata pakaian formal...pakaian2 yang aku nyatakan tadi nie pakaian santai!

Nie Dewan Peperiksaan.Nampak tak ramai yang tak berpakaian formal?

Nie yang calon pakai jenas dgn slepar tadi!

Masa terluang antara exam tu (baru lepas 1 paper, tgh tunggu paper yang seterusnya), ada yang sempat bertelefon plak dalam dewan..bercakap2 dan tak kurang jugak ada yang menayangkan telefon dgn kawan sebelah.aku pun terasa nak kluarkan henpon tapi mungkin aku nie jenis yang ikut peraturan kot (ahak~),jadi aku pendamkan jer niat dalam ati..

Okla...aku rasa perkara2 yang dinyatakan oleh aku sebelum nie taklah penting sangat kut dalam ujian PTD kali ini..mungkin aspek pemakaian akan ditekankan semasa proses temuduga nanti..anyway,antara soalan-soalan yang sempat aku ingat;
  • apakah itu phishing?aku jawab similar web to steal no acc and password, rupanya email sent to steal no acc and password.
  • siapakah tongkat warrant?erk!nie patutnya aku blh jawap tapi aku jawap thman puteh!jawapan Usman Awang.Apakah yang terjadi pada memory aku?
  • apakah maksud RAM
  • fungsi Microsoft
  • Alatan utama Mak yong-aku jawab gendang..aku ingat gendang,apa2 pun mesti adakan?tapi rupanya rebab!aku pun tak tau apa rebab tu, bentuknya, warnanya, bau nya.heh!
  • Sukma 2010 akan diadakan di negeri mana? aku jawab melaka.nie jer yang betul.

Yang lain tu takyah la aku terangkan lagi...seksyen B aku tembak 3 soalan.malas nak kira2 lagipun abis masa dah...tapi berdasarkan apa yang aku ceritakan nie..korang pun blh buat kesimpulan kan nanti samada aku berjaya atau tidak...byk salah dari betul..tu baru pengetahuan am, lom lagi yang seksyen D dan E yang aku baru nak duduk petang nie..Adios!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mini garden of my own...

i always want a garden for me to plant something on, and i would love to have a garden on my own. when i was in primary school, i was in the horticulture club...cuz i thought that we will learnt about planting or flowering. but it turned out that we have became the cleaner to sweep away the fallen leaves, and pulling the grasses from the flowering pot. what a dismay ...*Sigh!*

anyway, this doesn't mean that i my passion for gardening were killed by some stupid club supervisor. in fact, my interest becoming more and more deep inside me.but not deeper enough for me to become a botanist. i ended up taking Engineering in Uni anyway..

When i was in Yr 2 in Uni Level, i have to rent a house outside my campus. it was 2 storey corner house which is good enough for me to start a fresh chapter of my long lost, i slowly plant a very easy plant which i pluck the branches from around the neighbourhood. the visit to Sunday Market become frequent and also with the pottery shop in Batu 4 1/2.

I left Kuching 2 years later, so i have to put a pause on my hobby.when i got a job in Kuching, and plus that i have bought a single story semi D house in Kuching area just recently, my hobby begun to florist.

Which an approximately of 300 sqm, i am very happy that i can start my very own garden. (i bought a secondhand house from my ex boss with a really good price. Thanks a lot to him:))The previous owner have planted a curry tree, pandan tree, a cempedak tree n a rambutan tree which i have to chopped down the rambutan tree to make way for the new roof.Yay!No more leaking problem.

Some of my arrangement of flower pot..Trying to arrange..hehe

I currently planted a widely range of flower which given by my neighbour and some of it i took around the Kuching town area. i saw something nice, then i will took it away to be planted in my house..and with permission..hehe

Trays full of small chillies and tomatoes plants.Most of them died due to dry season nowadays..huhu

Whenever im improving my garden, my two strips bodyguards will join the company

My cat promoting my garden by posing with some of my plants..hehehe..

Dont Speak!!

I was driving to work this morning when i heard a song, which have been a popular song being played by my favourite radio station. I still remember when i first heard the song, i was in Form2.

Actually it reminds me that this situation happens to most of us.. The message of the lyric is very simple. It is about a relationship that began to fail...and there's a no explaination or lame excuses why it is happening to both party. Other word means..

"if u want a break, just break up! and Shut uppp!I dont want to listen to you anymore, or your voice tingling in my head!"

(Hehe..i guess so)

Well, as the title goes and whatever the lyric meant, i attach the lyric for your own mind.Have a pleasure reading!

You and me
We used to be together
Everyday together always
I really feel
That I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end
It looks as though you're letting go
And if it's real
Well I don't want to know

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts

Our memories
Well, they can be inviting
But some are altogether
Mighty frightening
As we die, both you and I
With my head in my hands I sit and cry

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts (no, no, no)
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts

It's all ending
I gotta stop pretending who we are...
You and me I can see us dying...are we?

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts (no, no, no)
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't tell me cause it hurts!
I know what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't speak,don't speak, don't speak, oh
I know what you're thinking
And I don't need your reasons
I know you're good, I know you're good,
I know you're real good
Oh, la la la la la la La la la la la la
Don't, Don't, uh-huh Hush, hush darlin'
Hush, hush darlin'
Hush, hush don't tell me tell me cause it hurts
Hush, hush darlin'
Hush, hush darlin'
Hush, hush don't tell me tell me cause it hurts